In a Nutshell…

Below are details of the exclusive worldwide license granted to the Buyer of the fully finished, images for promotional, non-commercial use only, for a duration of two years from the date of delivery. This licence is implicit within the Buyer’s receipt of the invoice and applies to images supplied by RJTmedia for promotional use, including band shoots, headshots, event shoots and other PR shoots.


Worldwide means… well, worldwide. In all territories. The Buyer, You, Your, refer to the licensee or the person who paid RJTmedia for the images. (Probably you, if you’re reading this.) Us, We, Our refer to RJTmedia and its owners. Fully-finished images refers to the images provided which have been finished to your satisfaction; specifically NOT the watermarked, unretouched images which you may have received for review. The Date of Delivery is the date on which you downloaded your fully-finished images.

What You Can Do

  • You can make unlimited copies digitally, in print or by any other means, of the finished images to which this licence applies.
  • You can freely distribute and display the fully-finished images to anyone you wish, in any form.


Whenever the images are used in third party publications, broadcasts, webcasts etc, please request accreditation in the form of a byline (in print, online) or graphic (in broadcast). The proper accreditation for all images is [Photographer’s Name] for Reedsmore.

What You Can’t Do

  • You cannot make money directly from the images.
  • You cannot sell the images on to a third party. (eg. Receive payment from a newspaper or other publication in return for the images.)
  • You cannot permit or allow any third party to sell or make money directly from the images.
  • You cannot distribute or allow to be distributed any images from RJTmedia which are not the fully-finished images. (NB: Unfinished images are clearly watermarked.)

For Example

To make money directly from the images would be to use the image as the principal value of of an item for sale. (eg. The image would be the principle value of a poster; a poster without an image would just be a piece of plain paper and worth next to nothing.) This applies to all forms of merchandising. Sale of the image itself, such as to photography libraries, or as photo stock, is also not allowed. To permit or provide the images to a third party to make money includes giving the images to advertising agencies or charities for endorsement, advertising or fundraising purposes. However, if the image is used as part of a publication that goes on sale, such as a newspaper, magazine or theatre programme, then the image itself is not the principal item being sold. This counts as promotional use, so this is allowed.

What We Can Do

Use the images for the promotional use of RJTmedia and in the photographer’s portfolio without limitation and in perpetuity. Sell the images to any third party after any (standard two year) exclusivity period expires.

What We Cannot and Will Not Do

  • We cannot sell the images to, or permit commercial use by any third party during your exclusive licence period.
  • We will not adjust, deface, or present the images in a context other than the one in which they were originally intended without your prior written consent, even outside any exclusivity period.

For Example

It would be horribly unfair to see your face being used as part of a campaign for anything without your knowledge, particularly if you object to the product or service being advertised. Similarly, it would be awful to have an image of yourself published with a disparaging or libellous remark placed over it. So we promise that we’ll never put you in that situation. Should a questionable use for any of your images arise we will always contact you – even after expiry of any exclusivity period – to discuss it with you before allowing anything to be put into action.


In the interest of using plain English, this licence is not completely exhaustive and an element of common sense should be applied when using your images. This licence may also be updated or amended at any time. If and when it is, we will announce the changes in the RJTmedia blog and endeavour to contact you via email to let you know. Remember, these are the terms of the standard licensing agreement for promotional images which automatically applies to images for use by clients who have hired RJTmedia for a promotional shoot. If any of this licence doesn’t fit your requirements it can be adjusted as necessary to suit your needs before we begin our project. Please Contact Us to discuss potential changes.